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AC Repair in Corvallis | Hendrix Heating & Air Conditioning

2016 Heat Pump Sale

Efficiency at an Affordable Price

Because heat pumps us a small amount of energy to move heat from one location to another, not only are they a more efficient way to heat, but to cool your home as well! Because heat pumps save energy by being more efficient, they will save you money when you compare them to other heating systems. Depending on the current heat source you're using, you may save up to 40% when you switch to a heat pump.

Along with the peace of mind you get from using a more efficient heat source, you can rest assured that with every Hendrix Heating installation comes a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee and an exclusive Lifetime Installation Warranty. With regular system maintenance and an installation by Hendrix Heating, you're on the right track to have Comfort For Life!