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CO Detector

Carbon Monoxide Detector

An important line of defense for the ones you love

Not too long ago, carbon monoxide detectors were only for people who had sophisticated alarm systems in their homes. Today most every family is aware of the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning and have at least one CO detector in their home. The smartest families have CO detectors installed on every level of their home, including one next to their heating equipment. This is the safest way to protect your family from deadly carbon monoxide poisoning.
A new law that went into effect last year that requires carbon monoxide detectors in many Oregon homes.  Before a home can be sold, its owner will have to install carbon monoxide (CO) detectors. The law applies to any residence that contains a CO source. Gas furnaces, fireplaces, and other natural gas-powered appliances such as water heaters, clothes dryers, stoves and ovens are CO sources. It is also a requirement that all rental units with a CO source also must contain properly functioning CO alarms as well.